
Homemade wedding card

Designed for our dear friend Matty J's September nuptials. Enjoy the long weekend. 


Raspberry Jammers

Berry picking on Sunday afternoon @ Macklin's Farm on Lakeshore Road despite thundering rainy skies. Seven litres processed in a friend's kitchen on Monday night resulting in 46 - 125mL mason jars of pure raspberry goodness. Love jammers.
(Photo credit: mumbimmilk)


s-LOVE countdown

The two-month nuptial countdown is on. I designed and printed this calendar for the future husband so he could appreciate how quickly the day is approaching. It is on our front door clipboard. 

rainy summer

Peeps in Ottawa, Toronto and even here in S are complaining about the rainy summer weather. Sigh. It is so dreary. 
(photos from pia jane bijkerk)


Tubing party

Wouldn't this be fun on a hot Saturday afternoon? Captured by Alfred Eisenstaedt in Wisconsin, circa 1945 for Life Magazine.

a few words on happy

Nicole's words on happiness over at forty-sixth @ grace capture the feeling I've had of late. Last year at this time I was far from happy: unemployed in a town of 70,000 with what felt like little prospects for happiness. But it was during those months, days, weeks, hours and minutes of idleness that I forced myself to create my own happiness through bike rides, runs, writing and words, crafts and picnics. Slowly happiness has saturated my life in the Valley. Surprise.



I'm not a pet person but last summer at the Wolfe Island Music Festival, I met a loveable Basset Hound named Harriet. Since then, I stop to pet and interact with any of the long-eared pooches I pass on the street to get a good understanding of their demeanor. 
(Sketch by Robert Clarke)


Outdoor nap

Three o'clock summertime nap nest. I wish I could sneak out to such a birch hideaway every afternoon this summer. Bliss. 


Happy Canada Day

It's Canada's 142nd b-day today. Hope it is a rockin' party. I am @ work until three when I'll meet the future husband and an old friend for balsamic glazed ribs and caesars. Let the summer begin (and Mother N if you are reading this, please warm us up)!
(The Painted Flag, 1981, C. Pachter)